On Sunday, 8th November, a Memorial Service was held in the Chapel for Mariette LaMaison. Mariette had suffered illness for several years and sadly I did not get to meet her. Despite this, I was very moved by the tributes to her read by Michéle Brown, Major Mandy Sands, Anne Reannie, and Jane Usten. Jane read tributes from pupils of Wye School where Mariette and her husband set up the school library many years ago and which Mariette maintained even after her husband’s death. The tributes were very moving and, despite not knowing her, they brought tears to my eyes as they did to many in the Congregation. Mariette was a much loved and highly respected member of the Congregation at the French Church. She will be missed.
When Mrs LaMaison was unable to go into Wye school anymore she donated £1000 to be used over the next few years to give awards at the end of each term to chosen boys & girls who had excelled in their reading.
Anne Oakley gave the Sunday Collection to Wye school to help with the continuation of Marietta’s good work.
This donation will be used to give some additional awards to children in December, especially as it is the Christmas season. By giving some extra awards it will promote the scheme and hopefully encourage even more enthusiastic readers.
Jan Leeming