New Pasteur

On our new website, it is appropriate that the first Blog concerns Miss AnneOakley- a mainstay of the Huguenot Chapel for decades.

On 13th May 2015, Anne received a notification from Eglise Protestante Unie de Belgique that she is now recognised as the Pasteur for our Chapel.


Dated - Waterloo, le 13 mai 2015 

Headed - Délégation pastorale

The notification read -Le Conseil du District du Brabant francophone accorde la délégation pastorale à Madame Anne OAKLEYAvec les salutations fraternelles du CD

Émile CARP, président

Anne RICHARD, secrétaire

Hearty congratulations to Anne from the members of the Consistory and the Congregation of the Huguenot Chapel.